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Crop Protection :: Oil Seeds :: Groundnut


Nutrient Management

Application of fertilizers
  • Test the soil and apply fertilizers as per the recommendation
  • If soil test is not done, apply 10:10:45 kg/ha of NPK fertilizers
  • In castor intercropping system, apply additional N dose @ 40 kg/ha


  • Apply TNAU MN mixture @ 7.5 kg /ha as enriched FYM (1:10 ratio)
  • MN mixture should not be incorporated into the soil, whereas it should be applied evenly on the soil surface immediately after sowing

Foliar spray with TNAU Groundnut rich

  • Foliar spray of TNAU Groundnut Rich @ 5 kg/ha in 500 litres of water at peak flowering (35 DAS) and pod development stages (45 DAS)

Application Of Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum)

  • Apply gypsum @ 400 kg/ha at 40-45 days after sowing
  • Avoid gypsum application in calciferous soils


  • Gypsum encourages pod formation and better filling of pods
  • Gypsum @ 50 % basal reduces Kalahasti malady and pod scab nematode

Combined nutrient spray

  • Soak DAP 2.5 kg + Ammonium sulphate 1 kg + borax 0.5 kg in 37 litres of water overnight
  • Next day, filter the supernatant solution and make it to 500 litres spray solution for one ha
  • Combined nutrient spray at 25 and 35 days after sowing improves pod filling





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